Red light therapy is really effective at reducing inflammation in a joint and less inflammation in a joint is going to reduce pain. It accelerates chromosomal activity, so it can support regrowth of tissue, such as cartilage. Red light therapy really heats the joint up, so it increases blood and oxygen to the joint, which aids the joint. Red light therapy penetrates the right depth in the joint to excite and accelerate all the kind of molecules within the joint. And when that happens, essentially, it’s just like giving the joint a shot of adrenaline. It wakes everything up and gets everything fired up, which has some awesome clinical outcomes for the patients, particularly in those big joints, like the knee, the hip, the shoulder, and the elbow.
There are a few main mechanisms that the red light specifically addresses to reduce pain in a joint. It increases cell activity, specific things such as serotonin and acetylcholines, and it increases the activity of the synapses and synthesizes these hormones, which increases regulation and growth of the tissue. It also decreases and suppresses the stuff that damages the joints, bradykinin, and decreases the potentials of that hormone. And it increases the mitochondrial potential.
When you penetrate the joint, the photons within the mitochondrial cell or the mitochondrial cells pick up on the red light. What it does, is it essentially just boosts those cells with activity. This increases the light transport, and it just increases all these pathways. It gives the joint a massive dose of healing. It essentially creates biochemical changes that create big changes in the joint that add a lot of medical benefits such a promotion of cellular proliferation and decreased inflammation. Decreased inflammation improves range of motion, decreases pain, wakes the joint up, gets the joint firing so the neuron interactions fire up.
The whole idea of red light therapy is that it is going to reduce the inflammation in the joint, which is going to reduce pain, and improve range of motion. This is going to be beneficial for both acute injuries, so if you had a sports injury, you rolled your knee and you’ve got a lot of tissue swelling, or it could be beneficial for chronic issues too where you’ve lost joint height within the joint and when you load that joint, you’re going to get a lot of inflammation.
The reVive Light is a really effective, sophisticated laser LED based system, which is designed specifically to penetrate the joints just at the right depth. It’s going to address the joint tissue and the synovial fluid. Typically, commercial products out there are going to be LED only. LED doesn’t penetrate as effectively, it’s harder to get the dosage right. Other commercial products involve panels, literally a panel like you’d stand under, so it’s difficult to get the dosing right and it’s really difficult to fit around a joint. There are not many good clinical trials and it’s pretty poorly regulated so it’s just difficult to use.
The reVive Light can be used on the knee, the shoulder, or any big moveable joints. If you have degeneration in a knee, but you don’t want surgery, and you’ve got to deal with constant inflammation and swelling, particularly after activity, this is going to be a great device for you to handle that type of activity and that swelling post-activity.
If you are someone who suffers with chronic joint pain and you’re struggling to get results with physical therapy or the traditional allopathic medicine or cortisone shots, you should try reVive Light.