This month’s blog is focused around headaches and migraines, their causes and how we can address this health issue without the use of drugs and surgery. If you have ever suffered from a headache or migraine then you understand how miserable and debilitating, they can be. And if you are reading this and are a frequent sufferer of headaches and/or migraines then you know how this health issue can play a huge role in your day to day function or lack thereof it.
In the United States, over 15 percent of all adults complain about severe headaches or migraines, with prevalence among women more than twice as high as among men. … A Statista survey from 2017 found that 18 percent of respondents suffered multiple times a month from headaches.
According to a 2008 NHF web survey, almost all of the respondents reported that they experience headaches at work and half indicated that they missed 1-3 days of work per month because of headaches or migraines. Each year, it is estimated that time lost from work due to headache costs the nation up to $17 billion dollars in absenteeism, lost productivity and medical expenses.
There are many forms of headaches. The more common types of headaches that we see in practice are as follows;
Headaches in the workplace are an apparent but under-acknowledged problem. An overwhelming 86% of respondents said the issue of work-related headaches has never been addressed at their place of employment and 93% reported that information on work-related headache treatment or prevention is not available through their employer. Ninety percent of respondents specified that headaches affect their work performance, but only 33% tell their employers about their headaches.

There are many forms of headaches. The more common types of headaches that we see in practice are as follows:
Tension Headache– The pain presents as a band across the forehead. Patients describe the pain as squeezing or vice-like.
Migraine-Pain usually focuses on one side of the face. It can be extremely painful. Nausea is not uncommon with patients also describing visual disturbances.
Cluster Headache-Sharp pain, in and around the eye.
Cervicogenic headache-A headache arising from neck pain. It starts in the base of the skull and can wrap around to the top of the head. Commonly associated with poor posture.
Common causes of headaches and migraines vary. The more common triggers are usually associated with workplace stressors. Both mental, such as work deadlines or poor coworker relationships and physical, like poor posture from a poorly designed workstation. Bright fluorescent light and glare from the computer screen can also cause headaches and migraines. Lifestyle choices also play a huge role, such as lack of hydration and foods high in inflammatory ingredients such as artificial additives.
Traditional methods of treating headaches involve some form of the drug. In the short term these can help alleviate the symptoms, however long term they ignore what is really causing the issue. Many of our patients that ask us to help them get rid of their headaches are often sick and tired of taking the medication and are looking for an answer that addresses the root cause of the issue offering a long term solution, not involving the use of drugs or surgery.
Here at Advanced Health Chiropractic, we have helped thousands of your Chicago land friends and neighbors with all forms of headache and migraines, which have allowed them to get out of pain and start living life as they should be able to, without limitation. At Advanced Health Chiropractic we pride ourselves on a detailed and thorough Initial consultation, including a detailed health history, orthopedic and neurological testing followed by some state of the art imaging, which allows us to pinpoint your issue, allowing for a clear diagnosis and a specific course of treatment addressing the root cause of your issue and a tailored plan to achieve all of your health and wellness goals.
We use a blend of chiropractic care, and physical therapy to achieve your goals, including state of the art spinal traction and soft tissue therapy, which allows us to offer objective long-term results. If you are suffering from headaches, migraines or any other form of pain and have tried other forms of treatment with other providers and are frustrated with trying to get the issue corrected we encourage you to give us a call so we can help you live life as its intended, pain-free. We look forward to meeting you here at the clinic and be the resource you have been searching for.
Best Regards,
Dr. Luke Stringer.